Saturday, 12 May 2007

Mornings & New beginnings...

I have had such a lovely day today. Loren and I went belly dancing - it was really fun! I don't think it was the real sort of belly dancing like they do in the Arabian deserts, but it was a good work out, and we had a lot of laughs! :) Loren looks so cute in one of those coin scarf wrap arounds. (go to the free music and take a listen)

We came home and while all the guys were at rugby, Chantal joined us for a few chick flick dvd's, chocolate cake, cheese and cold meat on crispy rolls, more chocolate, chicken flings and crisps, and chocolate..... mmmmm...

We won the rugby too, both matches, so all round a fantastic day, so, good night now, and sweet dreams everyone. !! :)

Love, Shirley

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