Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Freezing Tuesday

The winter woolies came out in force this week! Geesh, it was so cold and as there was nothing great on TV I landed up in my snug and cosy bed quite early with a book, didn't get too far in the book though as I fell asleep, but at least I had a smile on my face and a nice warm feeling in my tummy, because I was thinking about the one person who makes the sun shine brighter for me and my world a special, warm and happy place :)

I think this cold front has hit because the bulls won - rare occurances do bring on cold weather, like gale force winds, sort of like when my son cleans the kitchen behind him, we say watch out for bad weather!! :)

To top it all this morning we woke to a power cut - Horrors!!!! Not a good feeling on a freezing morning! But fortunately there was still lots of hot water in the geaser so we had a nice hot bath and Kevin got the gas bottles singing and we were able to enjoy a good breakfast and begin the day.

I had a good day, apart from a bit of galavanting I got some studying in for tomorrow's exam. It would really be embarrassing if I failed :( so...- watch this space....!

welll.... Passed The dreaded EXAM - Yippeee!!

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