The winter woolies came out in force this week! Geesh, it was so cold and as there was nothing great on TV I landed up in my snug and cosy bed quite early with a book, didn't get too far in the book though as I fell asleep, but at least I had a smile on my face and a nice warm feeling in my tummy, because I was thinking about the one person who makes the sun shine brighter for me and my world a special, warm and happy place :)
I think this cold front has hit because the bulls won - rare occurances do bring on cold weather, like gale force winds, sort of like when my son cleans the kitchen behind him, we say watch out for bad weather!! :)
To top it all this morning we woke to a power cut - Horrors!!!! Not a good feeling on a freezing morning! But fortunately there was still lots of hot water in the geaser so we had a nice hot bath and Kevin got the gas bottles singing and we were able to enjoy a good breakfast and begin the day.
I had a good day, apart from a bit of galavanting I got some studying in for tomorrow's exam. It would really be embarrassing if I failed :( so...- watch this space....!
welll.... Passed The dreaded EXAM - Yippeee!!
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Bulls & Sharks day
This afternoon we went to the not so local pub, which is quite far, but which my son has a part 'ownership' of, so we must support it, to watch the rugby. Sitting at our table were two sharks supporters, me and Kevin, and two Bulls supporters, Emlyn and Kirk, and two neutral, "we jus like rugby!" people - Marc and Bridgette. Quite a mixed bunch, but we had fun. We were amazed at how the Bulls won in the end, keeping their best until the eleventh hour!!! Very sneaky :) Or... just lucky?...Being Centurion, it was rather a Bulls stronghold, and so we took our lives in our hands supporting the Sharks, but the Bulls seemed a nice mannered bunch and didn't mind us too much! :)
It was a nice afternoon.
Oh, and Emlyn brought me a present- a yoghurt container, with "Shirley's Hot Stuff" written on it, full of...tea bags, soaked in meths of course!!! And he brought Loren a present too - a baby shower present, but she's not even pregnant yet!! Very strange?:) Thanks Emlyn & Tarryn.
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Mornings & New beginnings...
I have had such a lovely day today. Loren and I went belly dancing - it was really fun! I don't think it was the real sort of belly dancing like they do in the Arabian deserts, but it was a good work out, and we had a lot of laughs! :) Loren looks so cute in one of those coin scarf wrap arounds. (go to the free music and take a listen)
We came home and while all the guys were at rugby, Chantal joined us for a few chick flick dvd's, chocolate cake, cheese and cold meat on crispy rolls, more chocolate, chicken flings and crisps, and chocolate..... mmmmm...
We won the rugby too, both matches, so all round a fantastic day, so, good night now, and sweet dreams everyone. !! :)
Love, Shirley (go to the free music and take a listen)
We came home and while all the guys were at rugby, Chantal joined us for a few chick flick dvd's, chocolate cake, cheese and cold meat on crispy rolls, more chocolate, chicken flings and crisps, and chocolate..... mmmmm...
We won the rugby too, both matches, so all round a fantastic day, so, good night now, and sweet dreams everyone. !! :)
Love, Shirley
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Life's little twists......
I have just got home from a morning in the shopping mall, have done some washing, had a long afternoon walk, then did some gardening in the warm sunshine - so good for the soul, cleaned the pool, and played with the dogs. It feels good, as I need catch up time to simply chill and allow body and mind to be restored, and regain a clear perspective.
It is a stunningly awesome day, a slight nip in the air, tells us that the seasons are changing. With the changing season, comes a mood in me for change too. Things I need to sort out for once and for all - baggage that needs to finally go!
So, its re time:- revamp, redo, rethink, remake, remodel...
It is a stunningly awesome day, a slight nip in the air, tells us that the seasons are changing. With the changing season, comes a mood in me for change too. Things I need to sort out for once and for all - baggage that needs to finally go!
So, its re time:- revamp, redo, rethink, remake, remodel...
Thursday, 3 May 2007

It is just after six in the morning and the sun is catching the tips of the yellow savannah grasslands, and bathing the mountains in a soft golden light, revealing a few sleepy zebras, a steamy mug of fresh cappacino clutched in my hands, grass up to my eyes, ...lovely - a new African morning is beginning! :)
No running water, except the clean flowing Komati River, no electricity, except the static that raises my hair in the tent, this is Africa at its best. No pollution, too high up, no traffic, except the few of us in our Landys, and the kudu, zebras, impalas, rhinos, and more that trek across the hills beyond us. You can tell that no-one has been here recently, not for a long time anyways.
We showered in the open air, from a shower warmed to almost hot in the sun, and I had a ride in Mike's Landy- what an experience!! :) :)
It is a bottle green army type shorty, no roof, no doors, open to the elements. He reminds of me of Pvt Kelly as he lights his 100th cigarette, ducking his head under the dash, without slowing down! I can hear the song 'Burning Bridges' from Kelly's Heroes, playing loudly in my mind as we rattle along over the most roughest ground, grinding our way up hills on loose rocks, and down the STEEP other side again. Fun!! Lots of fun! Our long wild hair, blowing all over our faces..... (go check it out!)

Days were spent by the river and driving to see game, picnic lunches on the banks by the hippos, Kim and Mike and the Leimer family actually shampooing their hair in the river,careful not to use too much soap, so as not to disturb nature! (crazy people)

The evenings were spent by the fire all gathered around telling their adventures of the day, until we were all too tired and headed for bed. It was a really great weekend!

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