Wednesday, 29 August 2007

hospital and tiny creatures!!

I am lying here with an excruciating headache. that's not an unusual symptom of tick bite fever. (tbf) Yes, can you believe it, I went for a walk with my daughter in our local park, and found tick firmly attached between my toes when i bathed that night. I kinda expected the TBF, but not the complications I got too which landed me in hospital.

You see to put it in non-medical terms: what i got was:

tbf + mental + physical exhaustion + too much emotional STRESS = happy holiday for nasty virus buggy things, which kick you when you're down - nice hey!? which = doctor sending you off to hospital = £$R = more stress!!

Anyways, here i am back at home with an excruciating headache! :)

They say:

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but I choose to be from the Heavenly gang, and angels hath no fury!" - by me, in one of my contemplative moments

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